
What do I need to submit with my application?

Fill out these forms:


Privacy Act Forms (18+)

Income Verification

from Employer or 3 recent paycheck stubs (18+)

Unemployment Income

Recent DES/TANF print out

Zero Income Questionnaire (18+)

If no Income

Benefit Amount Form

Submit with the above forms:

LAND LEASE for Scattered Homes

Homeownership Only

Recent Benefits Award Letters

(SSN, SSI, Unemployment, Retirement, Pension(etc.)

SCAT Certificate of Indian Blood

or Tribal ID for applicant

Social Security Cards

for Applicant and Members Listed

Marriage License

Homeownership Only

Fill out the housing application

This program provides affordable housing for low-income families according to NAHASDA’s income guidelines. Rent is determined on an income formula. There is a waiting list maintained on a first come first-served basis.

If you have any questions, please contact the Housing Authority

The San Carlos Housing Authority hours of operation is Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm (except Holidays). Our phone number is (928) 475-2346.